This week's theme was "Barefoot in the Garden" and our campers literally and figuratively got into it. We learned about biodynamic gardening that encompasses the principals of organic gardening while exploring the basic cycles of nature bringing plants, animals, and soil together in harmony. We planted a new and improved butterfly garden that will attract many gorgeous winged species.

Cooperative Game Fitness Track
During our Cooperative Game fitness track, campers enjoyed muddy adventures exploring our creek and gardens.

Our campers explored nature and went out to find living things on our creek walks.
We got messy with mud between our fingers and toes discovering different species who use dirt as their home and their form of survival.

We would like to extend a special “thank you” to Medina Soil and Water Conservation for volunteering their time to teach our campers about the stream habitats and creek exploration.

We enjoyed planning, mapping, and planting a new and improved Butterfly Garden.
This new garden will attract many winged species.

Campers learned the top kid super foods that could help them feel like superheroes daily on their adventures through life.

We studied the history of farming and what crops need to thrive through hands-on learning, developing our own CLKC camp gardens and butterfly garden restoration.

Our Creative Lego Master building competition was very fun as our campers came up with interesting designs that matched our weekly theme.

Our campers learned and created rain sticks. During times without scientific knowledge or instruments, humans designed other solutions like rain sticks in the hopes of harvesting rain.

In many cultures, summoning rain often included the use of musical instruments for heavenly intervention for rain.

We learned about the "butterfly effect", which is a scientific principal that helps us learn that everything we do matters. Our campers also learned about how planting a “life garden” can harvest a lifetime of respect and love.

It is important to reflect on the butterfly effect daily and at camp we have started a RAK (Random Acts of Kindness) Revolution, where the kids will be a part of a revolution of kindness that will impact our camp and community in positive ways.

Of course, it wouldn't be camp without a good game of Gaga Ball!
Instructional Sport Fitness Track

In our Instructional Sport fitness track, campers learned how to play the most popular growing sport in America, pickleball!
Our goal this week was to help campers gain the skills needed to enjoy pickleball and general daily exercise for life.
We strived to help every camper feel involved no matter their skill level.

As the week progressed, the campers really got the hang of it and were giving each other and our coaches very competitive games.

If you are interested in learning more about Country Life Kids Camp, please visit us online at www.countrylifekidscamp.com.