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Get Ready for an Epic Summer: Check Out Our Exciting 2024 Camp Schedule

CHOOSE one of the two physical activity tracks for your child when registering.

Please remember, if your child is 8 to 13 years old, you can CHOOSE ONE of TWO types of physical activities that best suit your child. Both Options will afford every child the opportunity to experience elements of the TRADITIONAL aspects of the “Camp Adventure” including Weekly Themes, and Special Events that allows your child to truly indulge themselves in wonderful and creative places.

“Instructional Sports” Fitness Track focuses each morning, for approximately 15 hours per week of athletics being instructed, not only by our regular instructors, but with guest coaches from the region that are highly motivated to get children to achieve and succeed at the highest level and reach personal bests in athletics; mentally, physically, and emotionally.

We offer the opportunities to increase their skill level and total body conditioning through weekly Agility training and a Boot Camp Fitness Program that focuses on sport specific movements and muscle groups to allow the athlete to coordinate skills effectively and efficiently. Instructional sports activities focus on developing the whole person through a supportive atmosphere of athletic achievement, and a variety of core character lessons including the “7 Habits, The Leader Within Me.”


“Cooperative Games” Fitness Track are teacher lead, physical activities, for approximately 3 hrs. per week in more of a PE environment. The learning goals will be to increase the camper’s sense of personal confidence, to develop interactive and cooperative team building skills, to increase their level of physical conditioning, encourage problem solving and decision-making skills and let campers play in a fun and supportive environment without the fear of failure. The balance of time in Cooperative Games will focus on art and crafts, outdoor education, and STREAM activities.

Expect a Magical Summer

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