This week, the campers explored a world of reducing, renewing, re-using, and recycling...which shined a bright light on how we can conserve our daily resources and how to protect our wildlife. They discovered wild and incredible ways our eco-friendly wildlife are the Earth's most amazing recyclers.

The notion of teamwork was emphasized this week as campers worked on various activities.

Campers had to make water travel from a high point to a low point, retaining as much water as possible from the start to the end.

In our sponge water relay race, campers had to work together and carry a water-filled sponge without using their hands.

Using their shoulders, arms, and hips to carry their sponges, campers had to work as a team in the relay race.

The campers created an art project using old broken crayons and turning recycled water bottles into a gorgeous camp chandelier.

Hair dryers were used to melt the crayons for their art project.

The campers became advocates for helping renew our world and their own faith in religion as they celebrated their love for Christ. Campers also learned about President Roosevelt and his efforts in restoring our nation’s beauty and establishing our national monuments and parks.

Using recycled paper rolls, campers recreated dinosaur skeletons.

On the Instructional Sports Fitness side of camp, the campers knocked it out of the ballpark with their offensive batting and defensive fielding skills.

They were challenged in technical and tactical components of fielding-games.

The focus was on hand-eye coordination with throwing, catching, fielding, and hitting, along with developing the mental components to be a heads-up player in the batter’s box, on the bases, and in the field.
The campers engaged in a fundraiser project that taught them the skills of starting a small business and creating an up-cycled project. The campers will be selling themed, home-made lemonade starting next week!
We look forward to the launching of their entrepreneurship as they become the proud owners of their Project Up-cycle Fundraiser to raise funds for future educational projects for the campers to experience! We hope you love the lemonade and can help the campers earn success by purchasing some refreshments!